Utilising Content-aware Autofill to Automatically Fill in Fields in Your Database
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This article explains how to automatically fill in your database fields using the content-aware autofill feature in Lucy.
Content-aware Autofill is a powerful feature that uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to automatically fill in data in a database based on existing columns. Simply provide initial row examples, and subsequently, this feature will fill in columns automatically when new data is added or updated.
For instance, let’s create a database to capture employee feedback and use this feature to automatically classify the feedback as 'Good' or 'Bad' and autofill the result in the database.
Utilising Content-aware Autofill for database population involves several key steps.
As the initial step, you need to have a database created in the system.
Find the article below to create a new database.
Next, create a form to easily add sample data into your database.
On the app homepage, go to the My Work tab on the left sidebar.
All the folders you have created, as well as those created by others, will be listed.
If you cannot locate the folder in the list, type in the folder name under Search Folders.
Click on the folder you wish to open.
Head to the Databases tab.
Search and click on the database we previously created.
Hover over the database and click Edit icon that appears.
Click Create a Form.
Under the General tab on the right, provide a name for the form.
Click the Delete icon of the corresponding field (e.g., Mood) to remove it from the form.
Click Save Widget.
Click Open Page to open the form in a new window.
Fill in the form details and click Submit.
Refresh the page to add more data.
Open the database to view and fill in data in the required column.
Within your folder, go to the Databases tab.
Search and click on the required database. Entered data will be displayed.
Click the Edit button to enter the edit mode in the database.
Fill in the data in the required column e.g., Mood.
After creating your database and adding sample data, enable the Content-aware Autofill feature to learn from the given data and automatically populate relevant columns.
On the app homepage, go to the My Work tab on the left sidebar.
All the folders you have created, as well as those created by others, will be listed.
If you cannot locate the folder in the list, type in the folder name under Search Folders.
Click on the folder you wish to open.
Head to the Databases tab.
Search and click on the database created.
Hover over the database and click the Edit icon to open its edit mode.
Enable the Content Aware Autofill option.
Choose the field you want to look at from the Choose Raw Text Field list. In this example, it is the 'Comment' field.
Select the No of Example Rows you want the autofill feature to use for training.
Columns to AutoFill (Optional): Select the field you wish to automatically fill in. In this example, it is the 'Mood' field.
Click Done.
Click Update Database to save changes.
Now, add more examples using the form interface to test the Content-Aware Autofill Feature.
Testing the Content-Aware Autofill Feature
On the app homepage, go to the My Work tab on the left sidebar.
Click on the folder you wish to open.
Head to the User Interfaces tab.
Find the form user interface and click on it.
The form will be launched in a new page.
Enter the form details and click Submit.
Refresh the page to add more data.
You can also add or update data directly using the specific database.
To Add Records/Rows from the Database
On the app homepage, go to the My Work tab on the left sidebar.
Click on the folder you wish to open.
Head to the Databases tab.
Find the required database and click on it.
Click the Edit button to enter the edit mode.
Click Add. Add few records.
Click Save Item(s).
Click the Refresh icon to refresh the database.
Now, you can see the required column is automatically filled in.
Let's view the database to see the changes.
On the app homepage, go to the My Work tab on the left sidebar.
Click on the folder you wish to open.
Head to the Databases tab.
Search and click on the database to view it.
The 'Mood' field will be auto filled based on the data you entered.
Watch this video to learn how to automatically fill in your database fields using the content-aware autofill feature in Lucy.