Customising User-created Widgets on a Canvas
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With Lucy, you can fine-tune user-created widgets directly from your canvas. Lucy offers a direct link to access the widget designer, enabling you to customise these widgets directly from your canvas.
Let's see how to customise a widget on your canvas.
On the app homepage, head to the Gallery tab on the left sidebar.
Choose the canvas.
If there is a list of canvases on the Gallery, you can search for the required Canvas by typing its name/partial name under Search Canvases.
Click on the canvas to open it in a new window.
On the canvas, click on the Customise icon on the bottom right to access its edit mode.
Choose the widget to be customised.
Click the Settings icon of the respective widget.
Click on the Customise the Widget button to open the widget on its widget designer page.
Do required modifications to the widget and click the Save Widget button.
Watch the video demonstrating how to customise a user-created widget on your canvas.